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Absolutely Free ! Two profiles per day Unlimited job postings Unlimited social sharing Get unlimited job applications
CfarersWorld is an integrated global platform connecting Seafarers, Crewing Agencies, Ship Operators and Training Institutes. Features include recruitment, course bookings, fee payments, vessel tracking, analytics and many others at the user’s fingertips.
(By registering on CfarersWorld you agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy).
The following rules are the agreement between the Cfarersworld Administration and users of the website Cfarersworld (the Platform), who use information and services offered through the Website accordingly to the rules of agreement.
By accessing or using any part of the Website, you agree to become bound by the terms and conditionsofthis agreement. If you do not agree to all the terms and conditions of this agreement, then you may not access the Website or use any services.
By accepting this Agreement, you agree with following rules:
Account security: You are responsible for maintaining the security of your user area account, andyou are fully responsible for all activities that occur under the account and any other actions takenin connection with the account. You must immediately notify Cfarersworld administrationof anyunauthorized uses of your account or any other breaches of security. Cfarersworld administrationwill not be liable for any acts or omissions by you, including any damages of any kind incurredasa result of such acts or omissions.
Public content: By submitting any public Content to Cfarersworld for inclusion on the Website, you grant Cfarersworld Administration a world-wide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive licensetoreproduce, modify, adapt and publish the Content for the purpose of displaying, distributing, promoting, marketing or any other lawful use. If you leave information anywhere onthe Website, post material to the Website, post links on the Website, or otherwise make (or allowany thirdparty to make) material available by means of the Website, you are entirely responsiblefor thecontent of, and any harm resulting from that Content. By making Content available, you represent and warrant that the downloading, copying and use of the Content will not infringetheproprietary rights, including but not limited to the copyright, patent, trademark or trade secret rights, of any third party. This includes usage of our logo or name which cannot be done without our express permission.
Payments: The Platform does not handle payments for these products directly, but rather refersthese payments to a secure third-party payment processor which handles all aspects of thepayment process. Once we have been notified by the payment processor that a payment hasbeen made, access will be automatically granted to the online product or service being purchased as soon as possible, however we make no guarantees of timeliness or immediacy. If you believe thatyour payment was successful, but purchased service was not provided in reasonable time, you should contact Cfarersworld Administration (admin@cfarersworld.com) directly with the appropriate notice.
Responsibility of Website users and Visitors: By operating the Website, Cfarersworld does not take responsibility for any or all of the contributed content, or that it believes such material tobeaccurate, truthful, useful or non-harmful. You are responsible for taking precautions as necessaryto protect yourself from any kind of scam and your computer systems fromviruses, worms,Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content. The Website may contain users’ content that is offensive, indecent, or otherwise objectionable, as well as content containing technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, and other errors. Cfarersworld disclaims any responsibilityfor any harm resulting to uses and visitors of the Website.
Newsletter and notifications: If you choose to register and use any free services on Cfarersworld, you agree to receive a periodical newsletter from us. Our newsletter is made to keep you uptodate with Shipping related developments, updates, releases, new relevant vacancies, newCVsandother relevant items. You can also create your own subscriptions accordingly to your user accounttype: vacancies notifications, new CVs notifications etc. You can unsubscribe fromthismailing at any time you like by clicking the unsubscribe buttons inside of your account.
The Administration reserves the right to:
Change fees, services, expiry dates.
Modify the Website any time in its sole discretion. The Platform is provided "as is".
Edit or delete the any content published on the Website, if it doesn’t comply with these terms, is harmful to the Website or any third party, and at for its sole discretion for any reason.
Decline users’ request for registration on the Platform or ban and delete users’ accounts in case of infringement of this terms, also without an explanation.
Amend the Terms and Conditions unilaterally. It is your responsibility to check it periodically.
Privacy Policy:
Site user by creating and posting CV and/or other data on Cfarersworld and/or by sending his/her CV and/or other similar emails to email addresses of companies and/or other users of Cfarersworld voluntarily provided by Cfarersworld administration, as well as employers / companies that have access to Cfarersworld , gives his/her unconditional consent to the processing of his/her personal data (contained in the summary, communications and/or other information collected and/or posted on the Website and / or sent to other users of the Website).
What Data is being processed? Following data is captured by the Cfarersworld:
Purpose of Processing/ collecting data The Applicants/Subscribers information is provided to specific agencies for job hiring purposewhere;
How it is processing?
How long we retain your personal data? By accepting this Agreement, the user acknowledgesthathe understood his rights, and the purpose of the collection, storage and processing of personal data. The user also agrees that the period of processing of personal data is indefinite.
Who will it be shared with? User consent to the processing of personal data does not requirefurther notice from the Website Administration in the transmission of personal data to third parties (employers and / or their agents) or if compelled by law.
How you can request deletion of your data/Deactivation of profile?
Refund Policy:
The laws of India will apply to any disputes arising out of or relating to these terms or the Services.
Cfarersworld.com is intended only to serve as a preliminary medium of contact and exchange of information for its users/members/ visitors who have a bona fide intention to contact and/or be contacted for the purposes related to genuine existing job vacancies and for other career enhancement services.
Cfarersworld.com and related products or service or product that is subscribed to or used (whether the same is paid for by you or not) is meant for the Purpose and only the exclusive use of the subscriber/registered user. Copying or downloading or recreating or sharing passwords or sublicensing or sharing in any manner which is not in accordance with these terms, is a misuse of the Platform or service or product and Cfarersworld.com reserves its rights to act in such manner as to protect its loss of revenue or reputation or claim damages including stopping your service or access and reporting to relevant authorities. In the event you are found to be copying or misusing or transmitting or crawling any data or photographs or graphics or any information available on Cfarersworld.com for any purpose other than that being a bonafide Purpose, we reserve the right to take such action that we deem fit including stopping access and claiming damages.
The site is a public site with free access and Cfarersworld.com assumes no liability for the quality and genuineness of responses. Cfarersworld.com cannot monitor the responses that a person may receive in response to information he/she has displayed on the site. The individual/company would have to conduct its own background checks on the bonafide nature of all response(s).
Cfarersworld.com . will not be liable on account of any inaccuracy of information on this web site. It is the responsibility of the visitor to further research the information on the site. Any breach of privacy or of the information provided by the consumer to Cfarersworld.com to be placed on the website by technical or any other means is not the responsibility of Cfarersworld.com. Cfarersworld.com does not guarantee confidentiality of information provided to it by any person acquiring/using all/any information displayed on the Cfarersworld.com website or any of its other websites/domains owned and operated by Cfarersworld.com.
Cfarersworld.com does not share personally identifiable data of any individual with other companies / entities without obtaining permission except with those acting as our agents. Cfarersworld.com shall share all such information that it has in its possession in response to legal process, such as a court order or subpoena. The user shall not utilize the services offered by Cfarersworld.com in any manner so as to impair the interests and functioning of Cfarersworld.com. The user undertakes not to duplicate, download publish, modify and distribute material on Cfarersworld.com unless specifically authorized by Cfarersworld.com in this regard.
The user undertakes to use Cfarersworld.com for his/her own purposes. Using content from Cfarersworld.com for derivative works with a commercial motive without prior written consent from Cfarersworld.com is strictly prohibited.
Users undertake that the services offered by Cfarersworld.com shall not be utilized to upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available either directly or indirectly, any unsolicited bulk e-mail or unsolicited commercial e-mail. Cfarersworld.com reserves the right to filter and monitor and block the emails sent by you/user using the servers maintained by CFARERSWORLD.COM to relay emails. All attempts shall be made by CFARERSWORLD.COM and the user to abide by International Best Practices in containing and eliminating Spam.
Users shall not spam the platform maintained by Cfarersworld.com or indiscriminately and repeatedly post jobs/forward mail indiscriminately etc. Any conduct of the user in violation of this clause shall entitle CFARERSWORLD.COM to forthwith terminate all services to the user without notice and to forfeit any amounts paid by him.
The user shall not upload, post, transmit, publish, or distribute any material or information that is unlawful, or which may potentially be perceived as being harmful,threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, obscene, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable.
The user expressly states that the resume/insertion or information/data being fed into the network of Cfarersworld.com by the user is correct and complete in all respects and does not contain any false, distorted, manipulated, fraudulent or misleading facts or averments. Cfarersworld.com expressly disclaims any liability arising out of the said resume insertion/information/data so fed into the network of Cfarersworld.com by the user. Further, the user agrees to indemnify Cfarersworld.com for all losses incurred by Cfarersworld.com due to any false, distorted, manipulated, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, obscene, fraudulent or misleading facts or otherwise objectionable averments made by the user on the network of Cfarersworld.com.
The User is solely responsible for maintaining confidentiality of the User password and user identification and all activities and transmission performed by the User through his user identification and shall be solely responsible for carrying out any online or off-line transaction involving credit cards/debit cards or such other forms of instruments or documents for making such transactions and Cfarersworld.com assumes no responsibility or liability for their improper use of information relating to such usage of credit cards/debit cards used by the subscriber online/off-line.
The User/Subscriber/Visitor to Cfarersworld.com and/or its affiliated websites does hereby specifically agree that he/she shall, at all times, comply with the requirements of the Information Technology Act, 2000 as also rules, regulations, guidelines, bye laws and notifications made thereunder, while assessing or feeding any resume/insertion or information/data into the computers, computer systems or computer network of Cfarersworld.com. The said User/subscriber/visitor to Cfarersworld.com and/or its affiliated websites does further unequivocally declare that in case he violates any provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and/or rules, regulations, guidelines, byelaws and notifications made thereunder, he shall alone be responsible for all his acts, deeds and things and that he alone shall be liable for civil and criminal liability there under or under any other law for the time being in force.
The User is solely responsible for obtaining, at his own cost, all licenses, permits, consents, approvals and intellectual property or other rights as may be required by the user for using the Service.
The following actions will inter alia constitute a misuse of the services offered by Cfarersworld.com and are strictly prohibited:
Copying, extracting, downloading, sharing, modifying, selling, storing, distributing, making derivate works from or otherwise exploiting any content, data, information, including profiles, curriculum vitae, photographs and/or graphics, available on Cfarersworld.com and/or any services or products of the Company, in any manner or for any purpose which is not, consistent with the Purpose and/or in accordance with the Terms of Use.
Users are expressly prohibited from using or exploiting Cfarersworld.com and/or any content or data provided therein for:
Any commercial purposes such as creating alternate databases, extending access to Cfarersworld.com to third parties without prior written consent of the Company; and/or
Undertaking any business activity which is in competition with the business of the Company; and/or
For seeking fees in any name whatsoever; and/or
Approaching candidates/jobseekers for any purposes other than for specific existing vacancies; and/or
Sharing access with persons who are not contracted with the Company.
Reselling the products/services offered by the Company.
(Using or attempting to use any automated program, software or system or any similar or equivalent process (including spiders, robots, crawlers etc.) to access, navigate, search, copy, monitor, download, scrape, crawl or otherwise extract in any manner, any data or content including but not limited to adding or downloading profiles, contact details, or send or redirect messages from Cfarersworld.com;
Gaining or attempting to gain unauthorized access (inter alia by hacking, password “mining” or any other means) to: (a) any portion or feature of Cfarersworld.com or any of the services or products offered on or through Cfarersworld.com which are not intended for you; (b) any server, website, program or computer systems of the Company or any other third parties and/or Users;
Modifying the services provided through Cfarersworld.com or their appearance using any technology or overlay any additional offering on top of such services or simulate Cfarersworld.com services or its functions in any manner whatsoever without explicit consent obtained in writing by approaching us at cfarersworld@gmail.com.
Accessing Cfarersworld.com through interfaces other than those expressly provided by Company;
Attempting to breach or breaching any security or authentication measures set up by the Company in relation to Cfarersworld.com and/or attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of the Company’s system or network;
Scraping, downloading (including bulk- downloading), replicating or otherwise extracting any information or data from Cfarersworld.com (by any process, whether automatic or manual) to offer any products or services which are similar to or may in any manner compete with the products or services of the Company;
Reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, deciphering or otherwise attempting to do any of the aforesaid or deriving the source code for the Site or Application or any related technology or any part thereof;
Circumventing or attempting to circumvent any technological protections used or employed by the Company or by any third party in order to protect the content on Cfarersworld.com and/or to exclude robots, spiders etc. from crawling and/or scraping content from Cfarersworld.com.
Bypassing or Circumventing or trying to circumvent any service limits including but not limited to Search limits, Captcha limits and occurrences on different triggers
Interfering with or disrupting or attempting to interfere with or disrupt (including by using any device, software or routine), the use of Cfarersworld.com or any computer networks connected to Cfarersworld.com, by any other User;
Developing, using or attempting to use any automated program, scripts, robots, third party software or system or any similar or equivalent process (including spiders, robots, crawlers, browser plug-ins/extensions/add-ons, iframes on third party sites, mirroring, HTML parsers etc.) to access, navigate, search, copy, monitor, download, scrape, crawl or otherwise extract or modify in any manner, any data or content from Cfarersworld.com without explicit consent obtained in writing by approaching us at legal@Cfarersworld.com;
Impersonating any other person or entity, or making any misrepresentation as to your employment by or affiliation with any person or entity;
Forging headers or in any manner manipulating identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any user information;
Stalking, threatening, or in any manner harassing any other User;
Imposing an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on Cfarersworld.com infrastructure;
Engaging in “framing,” “mirroring,” or otherwise simulating the appearance or function of Cfarersworld.com (or any part thereof) and providing deeplinks into Cfarersworld.com (or any part thereof) without prior permission of Company;
Spamming Cfarersworld.com/Company or any other Users including by uploading, posting, emailing, SMS, transmitting or otherwise making available either directly or indirectly, any unsolicited bulk e-mail or unsolicited commercial e-mail.
Using Cfarersworld.com or the contact details of Users for transmitting marketing and promotional mailers/ Offensive messages/ messages or communications using any media that are unrelated to recruitment or sending unsolicited commercial communications with misleading subject lines in order to intentionally obfuscate the original message.
Hosting, modifying, uploading, posting, transmitting, publishing, or distributing any material or information that:
Violates any applicable local, provincial, state, national or international law, statute, ordinance, rule or regulation for the time being in force;
Belongs to another person and to which you have no right;
Infringes, breaches or otherwise contravenes the rights of the Company or any third party, including any copyright, trademark, patent, rights of privacy or publicity or any other proprietary rights;
Contains computer viruses, or other computer code, files or programs designed to disrupt, destroy or interfere with or limit the functioning of Cfarersworld.com, or any other computer system or resource;
Is grossly harmful, harassing, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, disparaging, relating to or encouraging money laundering or gambling in any manner, any content which is or may potentially be perceived as being harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, blasphemous, vulgar, pornographic, paedophilic, obscene, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise unlawful in any manner whatsoever;
Which constitutes or encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offence, give rise to other liability, or otherwise violate applicable law;
That deceives or misleads the addressee about the origin of such messages or communicates any information which is grossly offensive or menacing in nature;
That harms minors in any way;
That threatens the unity, integrity, defense, security or sovereignty of India, friendly relations with foreign states, or public order or causes incitement to the commission of any cognisable offence or prevents investigation of any offence or is insulting to any other nation.
In case of any misuse of the services offered by Cfarersworld.com, CFARERSWORLD.COM reserves its rights to take any actions as it may deem fit, including
The user shall not infringe on any intellectual property rights of any person/entity or retain information/download any information from any computer system or otherwise with an intention to do so.
Cfarersworld.com will make best efforts to do so but does not warrant that any of the web sites or any affiliate site(s) or network system linked to it is free of any operational errors nor does it warrant that it will be free of any virus, computer contaminant, worm, or other harmful components. The subscription of a user shall be subject to Quotas as applicable and as advised. E-Mails provided as part of contact details are expected to be genuine and access to such email accounts is available to authorised personnel only.
Cfarersworld.com shall not be liable for any loss or damage sustained by reason of any disclosure (inadvertent or otherwise) of any information concerning the user's account and/or information relating to or regarding online transactions using credit cards/debit cards and/or their verification process and particulars nor for any error, omission or inaccuracy with respect to any information so disclosed and used whether or not in pursuance of a legal process or otherwise.
Payments for the services offered by Cfarersworld.com shall be on a 100% advance basis. Refund if any will be at the sole discretion of Cfarersworld.com. CFARERSWORLD.COM offers no guarantees whatsoever for the accuracy or timeliness of the refunds reaching the Customers card/bank accounts. CFARERSWORLD.COM gives no guarantees of server uptime or applications working properly. All is on a best effort basis and liability is limited to refund of amount only. CFARERSWORLD.COM undertakes no liability for free services. CFARERSWORLD.COM reserves its right to amend/alter or change all or any disclaimers or terms of agreements at any time without any prior notice. All terms/disclaimers whether specifically mentioned or not shall be deemed to be included if any reference is made to them.
Unless otherwise specified and notwithstanding anything contained in any other agreement or arrangement, by whatever name called, the performance obligation of CFARERSWORLD.COM (service provider) is to provide access of its on-line portal to the customer for the duration of the subscription period & reference to any usage, by whatever name called or any other performance obligation, if any, is to provide the upper limit for consumption, which by itself, does not create any additional performance obligation upon CFARERSWORLD.COM
Subscriber/user acknowledges and agrees that CFARERSWORLD.COM/Cfarersworld.com, at its sole discretion and without prejudice to other rights and remedies that it may have under the applicable laws, shall be entitled to set off the amount paid or payable by a subscriber/user against any amount(s) payable by Subscriber/user to CFARERSWORLD.COM under any other agreement or commercial relationship towards other products/services.
Cfarersworld.com further reserves its right to post the data on the website Cfarersworld.com or on such other affiliated sites and publications as Cfarersworld.com may deem fit and proper at no extra cost to the subscriber/user.
The subscription/agreement between CFARERSWORLD.COM and the subscriber/user is not a "non-poach agreement" nor can the same be termed or used as an alternative to "non-poach agreement" in as much as CFARERSWORLD.COM is a public site and all information posted by CFARERSWORLD.COM goes to the public domain except information / data which is specifically assigned a non-public/private character.
Any agreement for a subscription/usage entered into by CFARERSWORLD.COM does not confer exclusivity of service on any subscriber/user.
Cfarersworld.com will not be party to any legal proceedings between a user (e.g. a subscriber) and a party contracted through the site. In case Cfarersworld.com is implicated in any legal proceedings, costs will be recovered from the party that names Cfarersworld.com .Cfarersworld.com however will abide with any court order served on it through due process. CFARERSWORLD.COM controls and operates this Platform from its Office in Navi Mumbai and makes no representation that the materials on Cfarersworld.com are appropriate or available for use in other locations. If you use this Website from other locations, you are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws including but not limited to the export and import regulations of other countries. In case a person using the world wide web/internet receives a spam or virus which includes a link to Cfarersworld.com or to any other site maintained, operated or owned by CFARERSWORLD.COM, it should not be held responsible for the same. CFARERSWORLD.COM assumes no responsibility for such mails.
CFARERSWORLD.COM has no agents and does not operate through any agents save for those specifically mentioned on the home page of the website.
The Terms and conditions mentioned above regulate the usage of Cfarersworld.com. Any person using Cfarersworld.com in violation of the stipulations contained in the Terms and Conditions of Cfarersworld.com shall render himself/herself liable to appropriate action in a court of law both civil and criminal.
If any dispute arises between a user/users and CFARERSWORLD.COM arising out of use of Cfarersworld.com or thereafter, in connection with the validity, interpretation, implementation or alleged breach of any provision of these Terms and Conditions, the dispute shall be referred to a sole arbitrator who shall be an independent and neutral third party identified by the Company. Decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on both the parties to the dispute. The place of arbitration shall be New Delhi, India. The Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 as amended, shall govern the arbitration proceedings.
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Republic of India. The exclusive forum for any disputes arising out of or relating to these Terms of Use shall be a court of law located in Navi Mumbai, India.
The user of Cfarersworld.com is subject to the Privacy Policy available through this link.
In case of non compliance of these Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy CFARERSWORLD.COM may terminate usage rights and take down any offending information that might have been uploaded by such subscriber/user
Privacy Policy
We, at Cfarersworld.com and our affiliated companies worldwide, are committed to respecting your online privacy and recognize your need for appropriate protection and management of any personally identifiable information ("Personal Information") you share with us. In order to provide a personalised browsing experience, Cfarersworld.com may collect information from you, this may include technical or other related information from the device used to access Cfarersworld.com including without limitation contact lists in your device and its location, you may also be asked to complete a registration form. When you let us have your preferences, we will be able to deliver or allow you to access the most relevant information that meets your end.
"Personal Information" means any information that may be used to identify an individual, including, but not limited to, a first and last name, a home or other physical address and an email address or other contact information, whether at work or at home. In general, you can visit Cfarersworld.com’s web pages without telling us who you are or revealing any Personal Information about yourself.
Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies
Some of our web pages utilize "cookies" and other tracking technologies. A "cookie" is a small text file that may be used, for example, to collect information about activity on the web site. Some cookies and other technologies may serve to recall Personal Information previously indicated by a Web user. Most browsers allow you to control cookies, including whether or not to accept them and how to remove them.
You may set most browsers to notify you if you receive a cookie, or you may choose to block cookies with your browser, but please note that if you choose to erase or block your cookies, you will need to re-enter your original user ID and password to gain access to certain parts of the web site.
Tracking technologies may record information such as internet domain and host names; internet protocol (IP) addresses; browser software and operating system types; clickstream patterns; and dates and times that our site is accessed. Our use of cookies and other tracking technologies allows us to improve our web site and your web experience. We may also analyze information that does not contain Personal Information for trends and statistics.
Third Party Services
Third parties provide certain services available on www.Cfarersworld.com . Cfarersworld.com may provide information, including Personal Information, that Cfarersworld.com collects on the web to third-party service providers to help us deliver programs, products, information, and services. Service providers are also an important means by which Cfarersworld.com maintains its web sites and mailing lists. Cfarersworld.com will take reasonable steps to ensure that these third-party service providers are obligated to protect Personal Information on Cfarersworld.com’s behalf.
Cfarersworld.com does not intend to transfer Personal Information without your consent to third parties who are not bound to act on Info Edge India Limited's behalf unless such transfer is legally required. Similarly, it is against Cfarersworld.com’s policy to sell Personal Information collected online without consent.
Your Consent
By using this web site, you consent to the terms of our online Privacy Policy and to Cfarersworld.com’s processing of Personal Information for the purposes given above as well as those explained where Cfarersworld.com collects Personal Information on the web.
Information security
We take appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of data.
We restrict access to your personally identifying information to employees who need to know that information in order to operate, develop or improve our services.
Updating your information
We provide mechanisms for updating and correcting your personally identifying information for many of our services. For more information, please see the help pages for each service.
Cfarersworld.com will not contact children under age 13 about special offers or for marketing purposes without a parent's permission.
Information Sharing and Disclosure
Cfarersworld.com does not rent, sell, or share personal information about you with other people (save with your consent) or non-affiliated companies except to provide products or services you've requested, when we have your permission, or under the following circumstances
We provide the information to trusted partners who work on behalf of or with Cfarersworld.com under confidentiality agreements. These companies may use your personal information to help Cfarersworld.com communicate with you about offers from Cfarersworld.com and our marketing partners. However, these companies do not have any independent right to share this information.
We respond to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims;
We believe it is necessary to share information in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of Cfarersworld.com’s terms of use, or as otherwise required by law.
We transfer information about you if Cfarersworld.com is acquired by or merged with another company. In this event, Cfarersworld.com will notify you before information about you is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy.
Cfarersworld.com displays targeted advertisements based on personal information. Advertisers (including ad serving companies) may assume that people who interact with, view, or click on targeted ads meet the targeting criteria - for example, women ages 18-24 from a particular geographic area.
Cfarersworld.com does not provide any personal information to the advertiser when you interact with or view a targeted ad. However, by interacting with or viewing an ad you are consenting to the possibility that the advertiser will make the assumption that you meet the targeting criteria used to display the ad.
Cfarersworld.com advertisers include financial service providers (such as banks, insurance agents, stock brokers and mortgage lenders) and non-financial companies (such as stores, airlines, and software companies).
Confidentiality and Security
We limit access to personal information about you to employees who we believe reasonably need to come into contact with that information to provide products or services to you or in order to do their jobs.
" We have physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with the laws prevalent in India to protect personal information about you. We seek to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Information Technology Act, 2000 as amended and rules made thereunder to ensure the protection and preservation of your privacy.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
Cfarersworld.com reserves the right to update, change or modify this policy at any time. The policy shall come to effect from the date of such update, change or modification.
Disclaimer Cfarersworld.com uses the maximum care as is possible to ensure that all or any data/information in respect of electronic transfer of money does not fall in the wrong hands. For completing online transactions involving payments a user is directed to a secured payment gateway, Info Edge India Ltd does not store or keep financial data such as credit card numbers/passwords/PINs etc "Personal Account Related Information". Since the transaction happens on a third party network not controlled by Cfarersworld.com, once an online transaction has been completed, the Personal Account Related Information is not accessible to anyone at Cfarersworld.com after completion of the on-line transaction at the payment gateway, this ensures maximum security.
Cfarersworld.com shall not be liable for any loss or damage sustained by reason of any disclosure (inadvertent or otherwise) of any information concerning the user's account and/or information relating to or regarding online transactions using credit cards/debit cards and/or their verification process and particulars nor for any error, omission or inaccuracy with respect to any information so disclosed and used whether or not in pursuance of a legal process or otherwise.
Contact Information Cfarersworld.com welcomes your comments regarding this privacy statement at the contact address given at the website. Should there be any concerns about contravention of this Privacy Policy, Cfarersworld.com will employ all commercially reasonable efforts to address the same.
Note : The terms in this agreement may be changed by Cfarersworld.com at any time.Cfarersworld.com is free to offer its services to any client/prospective client without restriction.
Cfarersworld.com is intended only to serve as a preliminary medium of contact and exchange of information for its users/members/ visitors who have a bona fide intention to contact and/or be contacted for the purposes related to genuine existing job vacancies and for other career enhancement services.
Cfarersworld.com and related products or service or product that is subscribed to or used (whether the same is paid for by you or not) is meant for the Purpose and only the exclusive use of the subscriber/registered user. Copying or downloading or recreating or sharing passwords or sublicensing or sharing in any manner which is not in accordance with these terms, is a misuse of the Platform or service or product and Cfarersworld.com reserves its rights to act in such manner as to protect its loss of revenue or reputation or claim damages including stopping your service or access and reporting to relevant authorities. In the event you are found to be copying or misusing or transmitting or crawling any data or photographs or graphics or any information available on Cfarersworld.com for any purpose other than that being a bonafide Purpose, we reserve the right to take such action that we deem fit including stopping access and claiming damages.
The site is a public site with free access and Cfarersworld.com assumes no liability for the quality and genuineness of responses. Cfarersworld.com cannot monitor the responses that a person may receive in response to information he/she has displayed on the site. The individual/company would have to conduct its own background checks on the bonafide nature of all response(s).
Cfarersworld.com . will not be liable on account of any inaccuracy of information on this web site. It is the responsibility of the visitor to further research the information on the site. Any breach of privacy or of the information provided by the consumer to Cfarersworld.com to be placed on the website by technical or any other means is not the responsibility of Cfarersworld.com. Cfarersworld.com does not guarantee confidentiality of information provided to it by any person acquiring/using all/any information displayed on the Cfarersworld.com website or any of its other websites/domains owned and operated by Cfarersworld.com.
Cfarersworld.com does not share personally identifiable data of any individual with other companies / entities without obtaining permission except with those acting as our agents. Cfarersworld.com shall share all such information that it has in its possession in response to legal process, such as a court order or subpoena. The user shall not utilize the services offered by Cfarersworld.com in any manner so as to impair the interests and functioning of Cfarersworld.com. The user undertakes not to duplicate, download publish, modify and distribute material on Cfarersworld.com unless specifically authorized by Cfarersworld.com in this regard.
The user undertakes to use Cfarersworld.com for his/her own purposes. Using content from Cfarersworld.com for derivative works with a commercial motive without prior written consent from Cfarersworld.com is strictly prohibited.
Users undertake that the services offered by Cfarersworld.com shall not be utilized to upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available either directly or indirectly, any unsolicited bulk e-mail or unsolicited commercial e-mail. Cfarersworld.com reserves the right to filter and monitor and block the emails sent by you/user using the servers maintained by CFARERSWORLD.COM to relay emails. All attempts shall be made by CFARERSWORLD.COM and the user to abide by International Best Practices in containing and eliminating Spam.
Users shall not spam the platform maintained by Cfarersworld.com or indiscriminately and repeatedly post jobs/forward mail indiscriminately etc. Any conduct of the user in violation of this clause shall entitle CFARERSWORLD.COM to forthwith terminate all services to the user without notice and to forfeit any amounts paid by him.
The user shall not upload, post, transmit, publish, or distribute any material or information that is unlawful, or which may potentially be perceived as being harmful,threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, obscene, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable.
The user expressly states that the resume/insertion or information/data being fed into the network of Cfarersworld.com by the user is correct and complete in all respects and does not contain any false, distorted, manipulated, fraudulent or misleading facts or averments. Cfarersworld.com expressly disclaims any liability arising out of the said resume insertion/information/data so fed into the network of Cfarersworld.com by the user. Further, the user agrees to indemnify Cfarersworld.com for all losses incurred by Cfarersworld.com due to any false, distorted, manipulated, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, obscene, fraudulent or misleading facts or otherwise objectionable averments made by the user on the network of Cfarersworld.com.
The User is solely responsible for maintaining confidentiality of the User password and user identification and all activities and transmission performed by the User through his user identification and shall be solely responsible for carrying out any online or off-line transaction involving credit cards/debit cards or such other forms of instruments or documents for making such transactions and Cfarersworld.com assumes no responsibility or liability for their improper use of information relating to such usage of credit cards/debit cards used by the subscriber online/off-line.
The User/Subscriber/Visitor to Cfarersworld.com and/or its affiliated websites does hereby specifically agree that he/she shall, at all times, comply with the requirements of the Information Technology Act, 2000 as also rules, regulations, guidelines, bye laws and notifications made thereunder, while assessing or feeding any resume/insertion or information/data into the computers, computer systems or computer network of Cfarersworld.com. The said User/subscriber/visitor to Cfarersworld.com and/or its affiliated websites does further unequivocally declare that in case he violates any provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and/or rules, regulations, guidelines, byelaws and notifications made thereunder, he shall alone be responsible for all his acts, deeds and things and that he alone shall be liable for civil and criminal liability there under or under any other law for the time being in force.
The User is solely responsible for obtaining, at his own cost, all licenses, permits, consents, approvals and intellectual property or other rights as may be required by the user for using the Service.
The following actions will inter alia constitute a misuse of the services offered by Cfarersworld.com and are strictly prohibited:
Copying, extracting, downloading, sharing, modifying, selling, storing, distributing, making derivate works from or otherwise exploiting any content, data, information, including profiles, curriculum vitae, photographs and/or graphics, available on Cfarersworld.com and/or any services or products of the Company, in any manner or for any purpose which is not, consistent with the Purpose and/or in accordance with the Terms of Use.
Users are expressly prohibited from using or exploiting Cfarersworld.com and/or any content or data provided therein for:
Any commercial purposes such as creating alternate databases, extending access to Cfarersworld.com to third parties without prior written consent of the Company; and/or
Undertaking any business activity which is in competition with the business of the Company; and/or
For seeking fees in any name whatsoever; and/or
Approaching candidates/jobseekers for any purposes other than for specific existing vacancies; and/or
Sharing access with persons who are not contracted with the Company.
Reselling the products/services offered by the Company.
(Using or attempting to use any automated program, software or system or any similar or equivalent process (including spiders, robots, crawlers etc.) to access, navigate, search, copy, monitor, download, scrape, crawl or otherwise extract in any manner, any data or content including but not limited to adding or downloading profiles, contact details, or send or redirect messages from Cfarersworld.com;
Gaining or attempting to gain unauthorized access (inter alia by hacking, password “mining” or any other means) to: (a) any portion or feature of Cfarersworld.com or any of the services or products offered on or through Cfarersworld.com which are not intended for you; (b) any server, website, program or computer systems of the Company or any other third parties and/or Users;
Modifying the services provided through Cfarersworld.com or their appearance using any technology or overlay any additional offering on top of such services or simulate Cfarersworld.com services or its functions in any manner whatsoever without explicit consent obtained in writing by approaching us at cfarersworld@gmail.com.
Accessing Cfarersworld.com through interfaces other than those expressly provided by Company;
Attempting to breach or breaching any security or authentication measures set up by the Company in relation to Cfarersworld.com and/or attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of the Company’s system or network;
Scraping, downloading (including bulk- downloading), replicating or otherwise extracting any information or data from Cfarersworld.com (by any process, whether automatic or manual) to offer any products or services which are similar to or may in any manner compete with the products or services of the Company;
Reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, deciphering or otherwise attempting to do any of the aforesaid or deriving the source code for the Site or Application or any related technology or any part thereof;
Circumventing or attempting to circumvent any technological protections used or employed by the Company or by any third party in order to protect the content on Cfarersworld.com and/or to exclude robots, spiders etc. from crawling and/or scraping content from Cfarersworld.com.
Bypassing or Circumventing or trying to circumvent any service limits including but not limited to Search limits, Captcha limits and occurrences on different triggers
Interfering with or disrupting or attempting to interfere with or disrupt (including by using any device, software or routine), the use of Cfarersworld.com or any computer networks connected to Cfarersworld.com, by any other User;
Developing, using or attempting to use any automated program, scripts, robots, third party software or system or any similar or equivalent process (including spiders, robots, crawlers, browser plug-ins/extensions/add-ons, iframes on third party sites, mirroring, HTML parsers etc.) to access, navigate, search, copy, monitor, download, scrape, crawl or otherwise extract or modify in any manner, any data or content from Cfarersworld.com without explicit consent obtained in writing by approaching us at legal@Cfarersworld.com;
Impersonating any other person or entity, or making any misrepresentation as to your employment by or affiliation with any person or entity;
Forging headers or in any manner manipulating identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any user information;
Stalking, threatening, or in any manner harassing any other User;
Imposing an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on Cfarersworld.com infrastructure;
Engaging in “framing,” “mirroring,” or otherwise simulating the appearance or function of Cfarersworld.com (or any part thereof) and providing deeplinks into Cfarersworld.com (or any part thereof) without prior permission of Company;
Spamming Cfarersworld.com/Company or any other Users including by uploading, posting, emailing, SMS, transmitting or otherwise making available either directly or indirectly, any unsolicited bulk e-mail or unsolicited commercial e-mail.
Using Cfarersworld.com or the contact details of Users for transmitting marketing and promotional mailers/ Offensive messages/ messages or communications using any media that are unrelated to recruitment or sending unsolicited commercial communications with misleading subject lines in order to intentionally obfuscate the original message.
Hosting, modifying, uploading, posting, transmitting, publishing, or distributing any material or information that:
Violates any applicable local, provincial, state, national or international law, statute, ordinance, rule or regulation for the time being in force;
Belongs to another person and to which you have no right;
Infringes, breaches or otherwise contravenes the rights of the Company or any third party, including any copyright, trademark, patent, rights of privacy or publicity or any other proprietary rights;
Contains computer viruses, or other computer code, files or programs designed to disrupt, destroy or interfere with or limit the functioning of Cfarersworld.com, or any other computer system or resource;
Is grossly harmful, harassing, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, disparaging, relating to or encouraging money laundering or gambling in any manner, any content which is or may potentially be perceived as being harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, blasphemous, vulgar, pornographic, paedophilic, obscene, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise unlawful in any manner whatsoever;
Which constitutes or encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offence, give rise to other liability, or otherwise violate applicable law;
That deceives or misleads the addressee about the origin of such messages or communicates any information which is grossly offensive or menacing in nature;
That harms minors in any way;
That threatens the unity, integrity, defense, security or sovereignty of India, friendly relations with foreign states, or public order or causes incitement to the commission of any cognisable offence or prevents investigation of any offence or is insulting to any other nation.
In case of any misuse of the services offered by Cfarersworld.com, CFARERSWORLD.COM reserves its rights to take any actions as it may deem fit, including
The user shall not infringe on any intellectual property rights of any person/entity or retain information/download any information from any computer system or otherwise with an intention to do so.
Cfarersworld.com will make best efforts to do so but does not warrant that any of the web sites or any affiliate site(s) or network system linked to it is free of any operational errors nor does it warrant that it will be free of any virus, computer contaminant, worm, or other harmful components. The subscription of a user shall be subject to Quotas as applicable and as advised. E-Mails provided as part of contact details are expected to be genuine and access to such email accounts is available to authorised personnel only.
Cfarersworld.com shall not be liable for any loss or damage sustained by reason of any disclosure (inadvertent or otherwise) of any information concerning the user's account and/or information relating to or regarding online transactions using credit cards/debit cards and/or their verification process and particulars nor for any error, omission or inaccuracy with respect to any information so disclosed and used whether or not in pursuance of a legal process or otherwise.
Payments for the services offered by Cfarersworld.com shall be on a 100% advance basis. Refund if any will be at the sole discretion of Cfarersworld.com. CFARERSWORLD.COM offers no guarantees whatsoever for the accuracy or timeliness of the refunds reaching the Customers card/bank accounts. CFARERSWORLD.COM gives no guarantees of server uptime or applications working properly. All is on a best effort basis and liability is limited to refund of amount only. CFARERSWORLD.COM undertakes no liability for free services. CFARERSWORLD.COM reserves its right to amend/alter or change all or any disclaimers or terms of agreements at any time without any prior notice. All terms/disclaimers whether specifically mentioned or not shall be deemed to be included if any reference is made to them.
Unless otherwise specified and notwithstanding anything contained in any other agreement or arrangement, by whatever name called, the performance obligation of CFARERSWORLD.COM (service provider) is to provide access of its on-line portal to the customer for the duration of the subscription period & reference to any usage, by whatever name called or any other performance obligation, if any, is to provide the upper limit for consumption, which by itself, does not create any additional performance obligation upon CFARERSWORLD.COM
Subscriber/user acknowledges and agrees that CFARERSWORLD.COM/Cfarersworld.com, at its sole discretion and without prejudice to other rights and remedies that it may have under the applicable laws, shall be entitled to set off the amount paid or payable by a subscriber/user against any amount(s) payable by Subscriber/user to CFARERSWORLD.COM under any other agreement or commercial relationship towards other products/services.
Cfarersworld.com further reserves its right to post the data on the website Cfarersworld.com or on such other affiliated sites and publications as Cfarersworld.com may deem fit and proper at no extra cost to the subscriber/user.
The subscription/agreement between CFARERSWORLD.COM and the subscriber/user is not a "non-poach agreement" nor can the same be termed or used as an alternative to "non-poach agreement" in as much as CFARERSWORLD.COM is a public site and all information posted by CFARERSWORLD.COM goes to the public domain except information / data which is specifically assigned a non-public/private character.
Any agreement for a subscription/usage entered into by CFARERSWORLD.COM does not confer exclusivity of service on any subscriber/user.
Cfarersworld.com will not be party to any legal proceedings between a user (e.g. a subscriber) and a party contracted through the site. In case Cfarersworld.com is implicated in any legal proceedings, costs will be recovered from the party that names Cfarersworld.com .Cfarersworld.com however will abide with any court order served on it through due process. CFARERSWORLD.COM controls and operates this Platform from its Office in Navi Mumbai and makes no representation that the materials on Cfarersworld.com are appropriate or available for use in other locations. If you use this Website from other locations, you are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws including but not limited to the export and import regulations of other countries. In case a person using the world wide web/internet receives a spam or virus which includes a link to Cfarersworld.com or to any other site maintained, operated or owned by CFARERSWORLD.COM, it should not be held responsible for the same. CFARERSWORLD.COM assumes no responsibility for such mails.
CFARERSWORLD.COM has no agents and does not operate through any agents save for those specifically mentioned on the home page of the website.
The Terms and conditions mentioned above regulate the usage of Cfarersworld.com. Any person using Cfarersworld.com in violation of the stipulations contained in the Terms and Conditions of Cfarersworld.com shall render himself/herself liable to appropriate action in a court of law both civil and criminal.
If any dispute arises between a user/users and CFARERSWORLD.COM arising out of use of Cfarersworld.com or thereafter, in connection with the validity, interpretation, implementation or alleged breach of any provision of these Terms and Conditions, the dispute shall be referred to a sole arbitrator who shall be an independent and neutral third party identified by the Company. Decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on both the parties to the dispute. The place of arbitration shall be New Delhi, India. The Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 as amended, shall govern the arbitration proceedings.
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Republic of India. The exclusive forum for any disputes arising out of or relating to these Terms of Use shall be a court of law located in Navi Mumbai, India.
The user of Cfarersworld.com is subject to the Privacy Policy available through this link.
In case of non compliance of these Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy CFARERSWORLD.COM may terminate usage rights and take down any offending information that might have been uploaded by such subscriber/user
Privacy Policy
We, at Cfarersworld.com and our affiliated companies worldwide, are committed to respecting your online privacy and recognize your need for appropriate protection and management of any personally identifiable information ("Personal Information") you share with us. In order to provide a personalised browsing experience, Cfarersworld.com may collect information from you, this may include technical or other related information from the device used to access Cfarersworld.com including without limitation contact lists in your device and its location, you may also be asked to complete a registration form. When you let us have your preferences, we will be able to deliver or allow you to access the most relevant information that meets your end.
"Personal Information" means any information that may be used to identify an individual, including, but not limited to, a first and last name, a home or other physical address and an email address or other contact information, whether at work or at home. In general, you can visit Cfarersworld.com’s web pages without telling us who you are or revealing any Personal Information about yourself.
Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies
Some of our web pages utilize "cookies" and other tracking technologies. A "cookie" is a small text file that may be used, for example, to collect information about activity on the web site. Some cookies and other technologies may serve to recall Personal Information previously indicated by a Web user. Most browsers allow you to control cookies, including whether or not to accept them and how to remove them.
You may set most browsers to notify you if you receive a cookie, or you may choose to block cookies with your browser, but please note that if you choose to erase or block your cookies, you will need to re-enter your original user ID and password to gain access to certain parts of the web site.
Tracking technologies may record information such as internet domain and host names; internet protocol (IP) addresses; browser software and operating system types; clickstream patterns; and dates and times that our site is accessed. Our use of cookies and other tracking technologies allows us to improve our web site and your web experience. We may also analyze information that does not contain Personal Information for trends and statistics.
Third Party Services
Third parties provide certain services available on www.Cfarersworld.com . Cfarersworld.com may provide information, including Personal Information, that Cfarersworld.com collects on the web to third-party service providers to help us deliver programs, products, information, and services. Service providers are also an important means by which Cfarersworld.com maintains its web sites and mailing lists. Cfarersworld.com will take reasonable steps to ensure that these third-party service providers are obligated to protect Personal Information on Cfarersworld.com’s behalf.
Cfarersworld.com does not intend to transfer Personal Information without your consent to third parties who are not bound to act on Info Edge India Limited's behalf unless such transfer is legally required. Similarly, it is against Cfarersworld.com’s policy to sell Personal Information collected online without consent.
Your Consent
By using this web site, you consent to the terms of our online Privacy Policy and to Cfarersworld.com’s processing of Personal Information for the purposes given above as well as those explained where Cfarersworld.com collects Personal Information on the web.
Information security
We take appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of data.
We restrict access to your personally identifying information to employees who need to know that information in order to operate, develop or improve our services.
Updating your information
We provide mechanisms for updating and correcting your personally identifying information for many of our services. For more information, please see the help pages for each service.
Cfarersworld.com will not contact children under age 13 about special offers or for marketing purposes without a parent's permission.
Information Sharing and Disclosure
Cfarersworld.com does not rent, sell, or share personal information about you with other people (save with your consent) or non-affiliated companies except to provide products or services you've requested, when we have your permission, or under the following circumstances
We provide the information to trusted partners who work on behalf of or with Cfarersworld.com under confidentiality agreements. These companies may use your personal information to help Cfarersworld.com communicate with you about offers from Cfarersworld.com and our marketing partners. However, these companies do not have any independent right to share this information.
We respond to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims;
We believe it is necessary to share information in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of Cfarersworld.com’s terms of use, or as otherwise required by law.
We transfer information about you if Cfarersworld.com is acquired by or merged with another company. In this event, Cfarersworld.com will notify you before information about you is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy.
Cfarersworld.com displays targeted advertisements based on personal information. Advertisers (including ad serving companies) may assume that people who interact with, view, or click on targeted ads meet the targeting criteria - for example, women ages 18-24 from a particular geographic area.
Cfarersworld.com does not provide any personal information to the advertiser when you interact with or view a targeted ad. However, by interacting with or viewing an ad you are consenting to the possibility that the advertiser will make the assumption that you meet the targeting criteria used to display the ad.
Cfarersworld.com advertisers include financial service providers (such as banks, insurance agents, stock brokers and mortgage lenders) and non-financial companies (such as stores, airlines, and software companies).
Confidentiality and Security
We limit access to personal information about you to employees who we believe reasonably need to come into contact with that information to provide products or services to you or in order to do their jobs.
" We have physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with the laws prevalent in India to protect personal information about you. We seek to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Information Technology Act, 2000 as amended and rules made thereunder to ensure the protection and preservation of your privacy.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
Cfarersworld.com reserves the right to update, change or modify this policy at any time. The policy shall come to effect from the date of such update, change or modification.
Disclaimer Cfarersworld.com uses the maximum care as is possible to ensure that all or any data/information in respect of electronic transfer of money does not fall in the wrong hands. For completing online transactions involving payments a user is directed to a secured payment gateway, Info Edge India Ltd does not store or keep financial data such as credit card numbers/passwords/PINs etc "Personal Account Related Information". Since the transaction happens on a third party network not controlled by Cfarersworld.com, once an online transaction has been completed, the Personal Account Related Information is not accessible to anyone at Cfarersworld.com after completion of the on-line transaction at the payment gateway, this ensures maximum security.
Cfarersworld.com shall not be liable for any loss or damage sustained by reason of any disclosure (inadvertent or otherwise) of any information concerning the user's account and/or information relating to or regarding online transactions using credit cards/debit cards and/or their verification process and particulars nor for any error, omission or inaccuracy with respect to any information so disclosed and used whether or not in pursuance of a legal process or otherwise.
Contact Information Cfarersworld.com welcomes your comments regarding this privacy statement at the contact address given at the website. Should there be any concerns about contravention of this Privacy Policy, Cfarersworld.com will employ all commercially reasonable efforts to address the same.
Note : The terms in this agreement may be changed by Cfarersworld.com at any time.Cfarersworld.com is free to offer its services to any client/prospective client without restriction.
Cfarersworld.com is intended only to serve as a preliminary medium of contact and exchange of information for its users/members/ visitors who have a bona fide intention to contact and/or be contacted for the purposes related to genuine existing job vacancies and for other career enhancement services.
Cfarersworld.com and related products or service or product that is subscribed to or used (whether the same is paid for by you or not) is meant for the Purpose and only the exclusive use of the subscriber/registered user. Copying or downloading or recreating or sharing passwords or sublicensing or sharing in any manner which is not in accordance with these terms, is a misuse of the Platform or service or product and Cfarersworld.com reserves its rights to act in such manner as to protect its loss of revenue or reputation or claim damages including stopping your service or access and reporting to relevant authorities. In the event you are found to be copying or misusing or transmitting or crawling any data or photographs or graphics or any information available on Cfarersworld.com for any purpose other than that being a bonafide Purpose, we reserve the right to take such action that we deem fit including stopping access and claiming damages.
The site is a public site with free access and Cfarersworld.com assumes no liability for the quality and genuineness of responses. Cfarersworld.com cannot monitor the responses that a person may receive in response to information he/she has displayed on the site. The individual/company would have to conduct its own background checks on the bonafide nature of all response(s).
Cfarersworld.com . will not be liable on account of any inaccuracy of information on this web site. It is the responsibility of the visitor to further research the information on the site. Any breach of privacy or of the information provided by the consumer to Cfarersworld.com to be placed on the website by technical or any other means is not the responsibility of Cfarersworld.com. Cfarersworld.com does not guarantee confidentiality of information provided to it by any person acquiring/using all/any information displayed on the Cfarersworld.com website or any of its other websites/domains owned and operated by Cfarersworld.com.
Cfarersworld.com does not share personally identifiable data of any individual with other companies / entities without obtaining permission except with those acting as our agents. Cfarersworld.com shall share all such information that it has in its possession in response to legal process, such as a court order or subpoena. The user shall not utilize the services offered by Cfarersworld.com in any manner so as to impair the interests and functioning of Cfarersworld.com. The user undertakes not to duplicate, download publish, modify and distribute material on Cfarersworld.com unless specifically authorized by Cfarersworld.com in this regard.
The user undertakes to use Cfarersworld.com for his/her own purposes. Using content from Cfarersworld.com for derivative works with a commercial motive without prior written consent from Cfarersworld.com is strictly prohibited.
Users undertake that the services offered by Cfarersworld.com shall not be utilized to upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available either directly or indirectly, any unsolicited bulk e-mail or unsolicited commercial e-mail. Cfarersworld.com reserves the right to filter and monitor and block the emails sent by you/user using the servers maintained by CFARERSWORLD.COM to relay emails. All attempts shall be made by CFARERSWORLD.COM and the user to abide by International Best Practices in containing and eliminating Spam.
Users shall not spam the platform maintained by Cfarersworld.com or indiscriminately and repeatedly post jobs/forward mail indiscriminately etc. Any conduct of the user in violation of this clause shall entitle CFARERSWORLD.COM to forthwith terminate all services to the user without notice and to forfeit any amounts paid by him.
The user shall not upload, post, transmit, publish, or distribute any material or information that is unlawful, or which may potentially be perceived as being harmful,threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, obscene, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable.
The user expressly states that the resume/insertion or information/data being fed into the network of Cfarersworld.com by the user is correct and complete in all respects and does not contain any false, distorted, manipulated, fraudulent or misleading facts or averments. Cfarersworld.com expressly disclaims any liability arising out of the said resume insertion/information/data so fed into the network of Cfarersworld.com by the user. Further, the user agrees to indemnify Cfarersworld.com for all losses incurred by Cfarersworld.com due to any false, distorted, manipulated, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, obscene, fraudulent or misleading facts or otherwise objectionable averments made by the user on the network of Cfarersworld.com.
The User is solely responsible for maintaining confidentiality of the User password and user identification and all activities and transmission performed by the User through his user identification and shall be solely responsible for carrying out any online or off-line transaction involving credit cards/debit cards or such other forms of instruments or documents for making such transactions and Cfarersworld.com assumes no responsibility or liability for their improper use of information relating to such usage of credit cards/debit cards used by the subscriber online/off-line.
The User/Subscriber/Visitor to Cfarersworld.com and/or its affiliated websites does hereby specifically agree that he/she shall, at all times, comply with the requirements of the Information Technology Act, 2000 as also rules, regulations, guidelines, bye laws and notifications made thereunder, while assessing or feeding any resume/insertion or information/data into the computers, computer systems or computer network of Cfarersworld.com. The said User/subscriber/visitor to Cfarersworld.com and/or its affiliated websites does further unequivocally declare that in case he violates any provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and/or rules, regulations, guidelines, byelaws and notifications made thereunder, he shall alone be responsible for all his acts, deeds and things and that he alone shall be liable for civil and criminal liability there under or under any other law for the time being in force.
The User is solely responsible for obtaining, at his own cost, all licenses, permits, consents, approvals and intellectual property or other rights as may be required by the user for using the Service.
The following actions will inter alia constitute a misuse of the services offered by Cfarersworld.com and are strictly prohibited:
Copying, extracting, downloading, sharing, modifying, selling, storing, distributing, making derivate works from or otherwise exploiting any content, data, information, including profiles, curriculum vitae, photographs and/or graphics, available on Cfarersworld.com and/or any services or products of the Company, in any manner or for any purpose which is not, consistent with the Purpose and/or in accordance with the Terms of Use.
Users are expressly prohibited from using or exploiting Cfarersworld.com and/or any content or data provided therein for:
Any commercial purposes such as creating alternate databases, extending access to Cfarersworld.com to third parties without prior written consent of the Company; and/or
Undertaking any business activity which is in competition with the business of the Company; and/or
For seeking fees in any name whatsoever; and/or
Approaching candidates/jobseekers for any purposes other than for specific existing vacancies; and/or
Sharing access with persons who are not contracted with the Company.
Reselling the products/services offered by the Company.
(Using or attempting to use any automated program, software or system or any similar or equivalent process (including spiders, robots, crawlers etc.) to access, navigate, search, copy, monitor, download, scrape, crawl or otherwise extract in any manner, any data or content including but not limited to adding or downloading profiles, contact details, or send or redirect messages from Cfarersworld.com;
Gaining or attempting to gain unauthorized access (inter alia by hacking, password “mining” or any other means) to: (a) any portion or feature of Cfarersworld.com or any of the services or products offered on or through Cfarersworld.com which are not intended for you; (b) any server, website, program or computer systems of the Company or any other third parties and/or Users;
Modifying the services provided through Cfarersworld.com or their appearance using any technology or overlay any additional offering on top of such services or simulate Cfarersworld.com services or its functions in any manner whatsoever without explicit consent obtained in writing by approaching us at cfarersworld@gmail.com.
Accessing Cfarersworld.com through interfaces other than those expressly provided by Company;
Attempting to breach or breaching any security or authentication measures set up by the Company in relation to Cfarersworld.com and/or attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of the Company’s system or network;
Scraping, downloading (including bulk- downloading), replicating or otherwise extracting any information or data from Cfarersworld.com (by any process, whether automatic or manual) to offer any products or services which are similar to or may in any manner compete with the products or services of the Company;
Reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, deciphering or otherwise attempting to do any of the aforesaid or deriving the source code for the Site or Application or any related technology or any part thereof;
Circumventing or attempting to circumvent any technological protections used or employed by the Company or by any third party in order to protect the content on Cfarersworld.com and/or to exclude robots, spiders etc. from crawling and/or scraping content from Cfarersworld.com.
Bypassing or Circumventing or trying to circumvent any service limits including but not limited to Search limits, Captcha limits and occurrences on different triggers
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Contact Information Cfarersworld.com welcomes your comments regarding this privacy statement at the contact address given at the website. Should there be any concerns about contravention of this Privacy Policy, Cfarersworld.com will employ all commercially reasonable efforts to address the same.
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Cfarersworld.com is intended only to serve as a preliminary medium of contact and exchange of information for its users/members/ visitors who have a bona fide intention to contact and/or be contacted for the purposes related to genuine existing job vacancies and for other career enhancement services.
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Coral Maritime Institute Of Learning and Developoment |
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Asha International Institute of Marine Technology |
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Loyalty Marine Services Private Limited |
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Bravo Maritime Academy |
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Yak Group |
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SeaSkills Maritime Academy |
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Anvay Maritime Institute |
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TW Ship Management Pvt.Ltd |
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Ind-Aust Maritime Pvt. Ltd. |
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Rohi Global |
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Zanacho Line |
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York Shipping Pvt. Ltd |
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ABC Marine |
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Eklavya Ship & Crew Management |
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Ind Aust Maritime Pvt Lts |
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ESM Ship |
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Heartlin Michael Fernando |
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Navigator services marine |
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Premium Marine |
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Santokh singh |
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Sandeep mariner placement agency |
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kalyan padhi |
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Kartik padhi |
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Arunodaya ship management pvt ltd |
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V4 Marine |
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Kumar |
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Breaking Bad |
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VR Maritime Services pvt ltd |
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Trio Ship Management |
Vsr marine |
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Rident Nautical crewing & Training pvt. Ltd. |
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Linbrown |
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west line ship management |
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Team Tanker |
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Marlow navigation |
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Saai Merchant Navy Consultancy |
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Rs shipping |
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Naaf Marine Services |
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alex |
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alex |
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Chakra Shipping pvt ltd |
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Hirezu Management Services |
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DRS marine services pvt ltd |
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annapurna shipping |
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Macaroni ship management Pvt Ltd |
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Sahil khan crew agent |
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Asia Maritime Services Pvt. Ltd |
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Sahil crew agent |
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Sahil consultancy |
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Mohit Goswami |
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Global Gateway Crewing Services Cebu |
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Danish Abad |
Abhishek Kumar |
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GMP Maritime & Petroleum Services |
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Clout shipping & overseas pvt ltd |
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SS Maritime Education Services |
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Buddha marine |
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Star Manning |
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Petani international |
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pitroda ship chandler |
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Mediterranean marine services pvt ltd |
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Sea placement services |
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Samudra Daluwu Memberkati |
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Sinasta Maritime |
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Oceanic star shipping pvt ltd |
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Westzone marine pvt ltd |
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Omsai marine |
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Brezwil |
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Erudito Training Solutions Pvt Ltd |
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Sushil marine services |
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Sushil consultant |
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Awad nabel mohmad ali |
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Navyline ship mgnt |
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Muhammad Khalid |
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Mahfa marine |
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S A shipping |
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Seafarers pvt ltd |
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Hygh |
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Agency |
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Susus |
Chahar & Chahar Shipping Co Pvt Ltd |
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Juju |
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Crewing |
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anline shipping pvt ltd |
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Ultra Major Shipping Co Ltd |
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Comtech india |
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1mdb bossquea |
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Modern Fleet Shipmanagement Pvt. Ltd. |
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Sail agency |
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Trio Ship Management |
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Golden Career ship Management |
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Tisla |
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SMS ship Management |
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Brij Marine Services Pvt Ltd |
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Nugzar Bilvanidze |
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Emirate Oil and Gas Co |
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Emirate Oil and Gas Co |
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Navaljob.com Seafarer Jobportal Mumbai. |
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123 |
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Odyssey Group |
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gss maeine |
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Marine Travel |
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Elwin Crew Management |
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Meridian Marine Management Pvt. Ltd. |
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GFS Ship Management FZE |
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Ryan Ship Management Pvt Ltd |
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Red Sea Navigation |
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Meridian Marine Management Pvt.Ltd |
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Sunborn Yacht Gibraltar |
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Shreysun Global Shipping Pvt.Ltd. |
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Nancy's |
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gss marine |
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Jamie marine |
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Europa |
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ccrome consult |
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gss services |
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oil and gas jx nippon |
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ABB Marine |
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Elizabeth agency |
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test |
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dffdff |
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willmar |
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gss marine |
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SPS Marine Solutions LLP |
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omica marine |
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sps marine solutions |
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Black gold marine pvt ltd |
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lux maritime |
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Marine Capabilities (Marcape) LLC |
Coming Soon